Relationship and Health

The Quality of Our Relationships and Health are Interconnected and Determine the Quality of Our Lives.

Tatyana Dumay



The topic below will help you to dive deeper into your life challenges and

guide you to the questions you may start asking yourself.

Relationship with yourself

Relationship with yourself is the most important relationship in life. It sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

Relationship with ourselves is multi-layered and consists of many parts - just like any relationship with anyone. There are important ingredients to cultivating a loving, compassionate partnership. 

How do you feel about yourself?

Are you happy with who you are?  

How do you communicate with yourself?

What words do you use?


What stories do you tell yourself?

Do those stories empower or disempower you?

Self-acceptance is in happiness and satisfaction with yourself and is very important for good mental health. Self-acceptance 

involves self-understanding and awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. Self-acceptance is a necessary first step towards self improvement. Once you accept the truth about yourself you can then decide whether or not you want to change.

Do you live the life you desire or a life that other people expect you to live?

Self-esteem affects not only what we think, but also how we feel and behave. It has significant ramifications for our happiness and enjoyment of life.


It affects events in our life, including our relationships, our work, goals, and how we care for ourselves and others.


Unhealthy self-esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness, and increased likelihood of depression.

Real self-love is about embracing who you are. It's about

having the courage to show your authentic self to the world without worrying what people will think and giving yourself permission to design a life that feels right to you.

Do I ask myself the right questions?

Do my questions keep me in a loop or help me to find my next steps getting me closer to my goals?

Ask yourself:

  • How am I taking care of myself? Is there something I would like to change?
  • What can I do to improve my self-care practices?
  • How can I make time for myself?
  • Do I accept myself, or there is a part of me I struggle with? What can I do about it?
  • How satisfied do I feel in my personal and professional relationships?
  • What changes can I make to improve the quality of these relationships?
  • What is taking the most time out of my day?
  • Am I content with the activities I’m spending the most time on? If the answer is no, what changes can I make?
  • Do I feel connected to something I think is important and valuable?

A life coach by your side can help you activate your unique inner resources to find your answers, and embrace your strength, so that you can create the person you want to be.  


Checkout our EVENTS page to see how we can help you today.